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    The best choice for the company!

    Speed up and ease the communication with devices around you.

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  • Let's get work done together.
    Let's get work done together.

    Future arrived here, too. Become a part of it.

  • The best choice for the company!
    The best choice for the company!

    Work even when your eyes or hands are busy.

  • Get the best solution for you!
    Get the best solution for you!

    Future arrived here, too. Become a part of it.

Main objectives and activities

  • The development of flexible text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) of high quality
  • The development of large vocabulary continuous automatic speech recognition (ASR)
  • The research and development of emotion speech recognition
  • The development of speech morphing systems
  • The development of natural language processing modules including dialogue management
  • The application of the developed speech technologies in Western Balkan countries:
    • in multimodal human-machine dialogue systems (IVR, smart phones, smart homes)
    • for purposes such as: text reading, text dictation, speech transcription
    • within aids for the physically disabled, visually impaired, speech impaired, hearing impaired.

The most important innovative results

One can listen to news at a number of speech-enabled web sites (Radio Television of Serbia - RTS, Radio Television of Vojvodina - RTV, eUprava, as well as several municipalities) using a computer or a smart phone. The visually impaired can listen to any text displayed on the screen using the software anReader based on AlfaNumTTS. The AlfaNumASR and AlfaNumTTS components have provided smart phones with basic speech generation and understanding functionalities in Serbian.

Further development of both large vocabulary ASR and more advanced TTS is based on the aforementioned speech and language resources. Both technologies will enable a much wider range of applications and will contribute to the preservation of Serbian and kindred languages in this new domain of communication – spoken dialogue between humans and machines.

At the Round Table ""Development and Application of Speech Technologies" within the scientific conferences SPECOM and DOGS held in Novi Sad from the 5th to 9th of October, 11 scientific projects were successfully presented, as well as the project Digitalization of the Cultural Heritage of Novi Sad.There were Four projects from Russia and Serbia each, and one from Switzerland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The aim of the round table was the development of scientific cooperation, networking of scientific teams, promotion of innovations and their application in the modern social environment. The round table was held with the support of "AlfaNum – Speech Technologies" company, which was founded as a spin-off company at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad.

Last week, Novi Sad hosted one of the most prestigious world speech conferences in the field of speech technologies SPECOM and the national conference DOGS  funded by the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The SPECOM (Speech and Computer) conference is traditionally organized by the Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU) and the Institute of Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS) in St. Petersburg. The DOGS Conference is held every two years and covers the areas of digital speech and image processing.

Among the speakers were the most distinguished world experts in the field of speech and language technologies, and around 150 participants from 20 countries around the world were present.


Speech is the basic means of communication between humans

Using speech, humans can convey their thoughts and feelings to others in a way much more intricate than in any other animal species, and thus the human speech system is the most complicated one...

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Automatic Speech Recognition

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) is considered one of the greatest technical challenges of today, attracting attention of many researchers worldwide for more than half a century...

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Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Text-to-Speech Synthesis (TTS) is the oldest speech technology, originating from as early as the 18th century, when first "speaking machines" appeared...

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