Financier: EUREKA

Project duration: 2016 - 2019

Project partners:

  • Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Informatics, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • UHSM-informatika, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME-TMIT), Budapest, Hungary
  • Speechtex, Budapest, Hungary

Summary: The project will contribute to the synergy and exchange of experience, resources and knowledge among partners, in order to develop a platform for a number of useful applications of speech technologies on mobile devices, for different operating systems, adaptable to different types of users, both for different languages and people with complex communication needs.

TTS Demo

TTS demo

ASR Demo

ASR demo

AlfaNum d.o.o.

Krajiška 41, 21132 Petrovaradin

Prodaja: +381 64 0550184
Podrška TTS: +381 66 8095758
Podrška ASR: +381 66 8096324
Administracija: +381 66 8094467