Programme title: Programme for support to projects for popularisation of the Internet in 2011.


Financier: National Register of Internet Domain Names of Serbia

Project time span: from October 1st 2011 until December 5th 2011

Short description: The aim of the project Č was adding speech functionality to web sites of municipalities by using a TTS portal, an innovative product based on a high quality speech synthesizer for the Serbian language. In such a way information is made more accessible to people with disabilities (the visually impaired as well as people suffering from cerebral paralysis, polio, dyslexia or multiple sclerosis).

TTS Demo

TTS demo

ASR Demo

ASR demo

AlfaNum d.o.o.

Krajiška 41, 21132 Petrovaradin

Prodaja: +381 64 0550184
Podrška TTS: +381 66 8095758
Podrška ASR: +381 66 8096324
Administracija: +381 66 8094467