AlfaNum at the 59th International Fair of Technique and Technical Achievements in Belgrade with the Innovation Fund team.

AlfaNum team participated at the event "2015 RIGA META-FORUM 2015 – Technologies for the Multilingual Digital Single Market" in Riga, Latvia.


Alfanum organized a series of meetings in Croatia in December. Photos

At the Round Table ""Development and Application of Speech Technologies" within the scientific conferences SPECOM and DOGS held in Novi Sad from the 5th to 9th of October, 11 scientific projects were successfully presented, as well as the project Digitalization of the Cultural Heritage of Novi Sad.


AlfaNum team presented the most recent version of the speech synthesizer for Croatian at the MeetUP event, organized by the company "Radilica" and Contact Center Academy in Zagreb

TTS Demo

TTS demo

ASR Demo

ASR demo

AlfaNum d.o.o.

Krajiška 41, 21132 Petrovaradin

Prodaja: +381 64 0550184
Podrška TTS: +381 66 8095758
Podrška ASR: +381 66 8096324
Administracija: +381 66 8094467