Speech technologies:

  • Vlada Republike SrbijeVlada Republike Srbije :
  • Telekom SrbijaTelekom Srbija :
  • RTSRadio televizija Srbije :
  • RTVRadio televizija Vojvodine :
  • Ringier Axel SpringerRingier Axel Springer :
  • Putevi SrbijePutevi Srbije :
  • PinkPink International Company :
  • Ministarstvo finansija RSMinistarstvo finansija RS :
  • Kancelarija za IT i eUpravuKancelarija za informacione tehnologije i elektronsku upravu :
  • Ministarstvo za informisanje i telekomunikacija RSMinistarstvo za informisanje i telekomunikacija RS:
  • Ministarstvo prosvete RSMinistarstvo prosvete RS:
  • Ministarstvo za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanjaMinistarstvo za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja:
  • Vlada Crne Gore:
  • RTCG - Radio Televizija Crne Gore - Nacionalni javni servis:
  • RIK RS:
  • Novatronic :
  • Aerodromi Crne GoreA.D. Aerodromi Crne Gore :
  • Raiffeisen banka a.d. Beograd:
  • Unicredit banka Beograd:
  • HSM informatika, HrvatskaHSM informatika, Hrvatska:
  • Crveni i Red TaxiCrveni i Red Taxi :
  • Mega taxi Kraljevo:
  • Skupština APVSkupština AP Vojvodine:
  • eUpravaPortal eUprava Republike Srbije :
  • PoverenikPoverenik za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti :
  • FTNFakultet Tehničkih Nauka :
  • PIO fondRepublički fond za penzijsko i invalidsko osiguranje :
  • Narodna Biblioteka SrbijeNarodna Biblioteka Srbije :
  • Železnice SrbijeŽeleznice Srbije, stanica Beograd-Centar :
  • Hrvatski TelekomHrvatski Telekom :
  • Arhiv JugoslavijeArhiv Jugoslavije :
  • Grad Novi SadZvanična prezentacija grada Novog Sada :
  • eUprava Novi Sade-Uprava grada Novog Sada :
  • Digitalizacija Novi SadDigitalizacija, Novi Sad :
  • Centralna Depozitarna AgencijaCentralna depozitarna agencija, Podgorica, govorni automat :
  • Komercijalna bankaKomercijalna banka, Beograd, govorni automat :
  • MozzartMozzart:
  • VršacOpština Vršac :
  • HNLHrvatske novine, Subotica:
  • PulsPuls, Zagreb:
  • KronKron sistem integrator, Hrvatska:
  • ogosLogos, Zagreb:
  • BarometerBarometer Ltd, Haifa, Izrael:

Products for disabled:

  • Savez slepih SrbijeSavez slepih Srbije, Beograd
  • Hrvatski savez slijepihHrvatski savez slijepih, Zagreb
  • Savez slijepih Crne Gore
  • ZvezdaraOpština Zvezdara, Beograd
  • Integrated Microsystems AustriaIntegrated Microsystems Austria

Audiomemo voice recorder:

  • Vojska Srbije, BeogradVojska Srbije, Beograd
  • MUP SrbijeMUP Srbije, Beograd
  • JAT Airways, BeogradJAT Airways, Beograd
  • SHMP BeogradSHMP Beograd
  • Hitna pomoć, Novi SadHitna pomoć, Novi Sad
  • Vatrogasci Novi SadFond za protivpožarnu zaštitu, Novi Sad
  • B92RTV B92, Beograd
  • Philip Morris, NišPhilip Morris, Niš
  • Direktorat civilnog vazduhoplovstvaDirektorat civilnog vazduhoplovstva Republike Srbije
  • Prvi osnovni sudPrvi osnovni sud u Beogradu
  • TrizmaTrizma, Beograd
  • TelegroupTelegroup, Beograd
  • IlirikaIlirika Investments, Beograd
  • MV InvestmentsM&V Investments, Beograd
  • FimaFIMA International, Beograd
  • Generali osiguranjeGenerali osiguranje
  • Dunav osiguranjeDunav osiguranje
  • Hypo BankaHypo banka, Podgorica
  • NLB bankaNLB banka, Novi Sad
  • KBC bankaKBC banka, Beograd
  • Vojvođanska bankaVojvođanska banka, Novi Sad
  • Čačanska bankaČačanska banka, Čačak
  • Unicredit bankaUniCredit banka, Beograd
  • Volksbank, SarajevoVolksbank, Sarajevo
  • Tandem FinancialTandem Financial, Novi Sad
  • Delta MDelta M, Beograd
  • EurobrokerEurobroker, Banja Luka
  • KBC SecuritiesKBC Securities
  • Centralna Depozitarna AgencijaCentralna Depozitarna Agencija, Podgorica
  • Polaris MediaPolaris Media, Niš
  • Forma IdealeForma Ideale, Kragujevac
  • Stup VršacStup, Vršac
  • DZ PožarevacDom zdravlja Požarevac, služba hitne medicinske pomoći (SHMP)
  • DZ JagodinaDom zdravlja Jagodina, služba 194
  • DZ SomborDom zdravlja Sombor
  • DZ OsečinaDom zdravlja Osečina
  • DZ KovačicaDom zdravlja Kovačica, služba hitne medicinske pomoći (SHMP)
  • DZ Opovo, OpovoDZ Opovo, Opovo
  • Zavod zdravstvenog osiguranja, MostarZavod zdravstvenog osiguranja, Mostar
  • SHMP, TrebinjeSlužba za hitnu medicinsku pomoć, Trebinje
  • DZ SopotDom zdravlja Sopot
  • Novosadska toplanaNovosadska toplana,
    Novi Sad
  • Toplana ZrenjaninJKP Gradska toplana,
  • Graditelj SrbobranJKP Graditelj,
  • Pogrebne usluge BeogradJKP Pogrebne usluge,
  • ProgardProgard, Beograd
  • BalkanWide AssistanceBalkanWide, Beograd
  • Veterina Beograd, BeogradVeterina Beograd, Beograd
  • master CCTVMaster CCTV Centar, Beograd
  • BonacaBonaca, d.o.o, Surduk
  • ElektrovezeElektroveze, Beograd
  • Elektroprivreda TrebinjeMješoviti holding "ERS"
    Matično preduzeće a.d.
  • HET TrebinjeHET
  • Elektroprivreda TuzlaElektroprivreda Tuzla
  • Aerodrom Morava, Lađevci
  • Elektroprivreda Kragujevac
  • TelefonservisTelefonservis, Beograd
  • COCC, Beograd
  • MBS TehnikaMBS Tehnika, Beograd

IVR, call center and PBX:

  • Železnice Srbije, BeogradŽeleznice Srbije, Beograd
  • Triglav OsiguranjeTriglav osiguranje
  • JKP Informatika, Novi SadJKP Informatika, Novi sad
  • JGSP Novi SadJGSP Novi Sad
  • Gradska upava za inspekcijske posloveGradska uprava za inspekcijske poslove,
    Novi Sad
  • Komunalna policija, Novi SadKomunalna policija, Novi Sad
  • Komunalna policija, PodgoricaKomunalna policija, Podgorica
  • Opština Sremska MitrovicaOpština Sremska Mitrovica
  • Dnevnik, Novi SadDnevnik, Novi Sad
  • Građanski oglasnik, Novi SadGrađanski oglasnik, Novi Sad
  • Momentum Securities, Novi SadMomentum Securities, Novi Sad
  • Plotun d.o.o, KruševacPlotun d.o.o., Kruševac
  • ERG d.o.o., ŠimanovciErg d.o.o., Šimanovci
  • Cekos-In, BeogradCekos In, Beograd
  • Macros, ObrenovacMacros, Obrenovac
  • Vanguard, BeogradVanguard, Beograd
  • NS Blok, Novi SadNS Blok, Novi Sad
  • Studio Spiker, BeogradStudio Spiker, Beograd
  • MB mobile, Novi Sad
  • MVP konsalting, Novi Sad
  • Marketinška agencija GPSG Team, Beograd
  • Udruženje Roma "Amaro Tan", Beograd
  • SBA SG d.o.o. Brčko, BiH
  • Step Radio, Bjeljina
  • Stojić company d.o.o., Bjeljina


Voice Dial is a system which effectively replaces the telephone operator. It is a fully automated system which, in communication with the existing PBX, transfers calls to appropriate extension within the organization or to the outside. It can be used by employees of the organization, but also by external callers.

System user (employee, external caller) using his phone calls a predefined number, for example 99,after which he gets the answering machine asking him the name of the person he would like to call. By saying out the name of the individual/department, the user is redirected to corresponding extension.

If, eventually, there is an ambiguity among several extensions, the system offers an alternative: "Press 1 for Petar Perić or 2 for Petar Pević. ".

All information about the links between the names and phone numbers are stored in an internal database.


  • Integration with a PBX – Voice Dial system can be set as the extension of any existing telephone exchange.
  • Import existing contacts from Address Book – The system allows the import of all the contacts within the company in an elegant way, by importing the existing phonebook.
  • Personalized Phonebook – Each employee can add personal contacts. For each contact, multiple phone numbers (fixed, mobile, private) can be added. This may be managed in several ways: by importing contacts from Outlook, mobile phone or from a file with contacts obtained in another way. Of course, there is an option of adding a contact manually.
  • Distinguishing similar names – the system is able to distinguish between similar sounding names. If the acoustic similarity between the names is too large, the user is offered a choice from alternatives.
  • Web based User Interface – For the functioning of the Voice Dial system, it is not required to install any additional software. The system can be accessed from existing web browser (all popular browsers are supported).
  • Using advanced speech technologies – The Voice Dial uses advanced systems for the speech recognition and speech synthesis in Serbian.



The main benefit introduced by the VoiceDial system is the possibility of replacing the operator of the call center. Furthermore, an employee no longer needs to memorize every extension of colleagues as well as phone numbers of business partners. It is enough that he knows their names.

The external caller does not need to know the extension number of the person who he was interested. It is enough to say the name of the person (or department).

The system can be used only to obtain the phone number, not necessarily to make a call.

The user does not need to know the full name of the contact. It is enough to say any part of the name of the contact and the system will offer all available alternatives.

green icons: globe, calendar, clock, debt card, phone, laptop 

IVRs represent interactive applications which enable users to reach certain information or initiate certain actions by using their voices. IVRs are extensively used at Telecom operators, but other companies can also greatly benefit by using such services. In large companies, calls are quite often initially handled not by people, but rather some form of an IVR system. An IVR typically has a menu structure with pre-recorded prompts, through which a user navigates by using phone keypad. However, solutions that use voice command interface are much more efficient and comfortable.

Voice Dial

Voice Dial is a system which effectively replaces the telephone operator. It is a fully automated system which, in communication with the existing PBX, transfers calls to appropriate extension within the organization or to the outside. It can be used by employees of the organization, but also by external callers.

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 TV anouncers reading news

The AlfaNum ASR system can be used for subtitling shows in the Serbian language. At the moment this technology can be applied whenever the textual transcription of the show is available, and the system can then perform automatic synchronisation by comparing the audio content of the show with the transcription. The synchronised subtitles are displayed through teletext to the viewers who opt for it. This feature is of particular interest to the hearing impaired and the elderly, but also to many others who, for some reason, have a need for it.




The visually impaired can use computers with the help of so-called screen readers, which enable them to navigate through web sites and even to listen to the text content of those sites. However, the quality of speech depends on the speech synthesizer which the screen reader uses. Owing to high quality speech synthesis in Serbian and other South Slavic languages, AlfaNum is the only company in the region where South Slavic languages are spoken which is able to offer a solution that allows the user to comfortably search Internet by voice..

By clicking the button “Read to me” the user opens player, which reads the text content of the current web page. The solution is primarily intended for reading news. Users can reduce the search time by choosing options “most recent” or “most important”. These options increase the efficiency of this information service.

It should be noted that, besides the fact that this functionality is of great benefit to the visually impaired, it also helps people with other types of disabilities. People with multiple sclerosis and people with cerebral paralysis are often not able to read because it is a remarkable effort for them. People with dyslexia have difficulties with reading, both in terms of reading speed and accuracy, which affects the level of their reading comprehension.

Adding the speech functionality to web sites offers great benefits to everyone else as well. There is very little time in a modern society and we are often forced to multitask. It is now possible to listen to the news and simultaneously perform other jobs. Furthermore, various other information needed in everyday life, such as road conditions and schedules, is now more accessible.

Examples of sites can be found at: www.rtv.rs i www.rts.rs.



TTS Demo

TTS demo

ASR Demo

ASR demo

AlfaNum d.o.o.

Krajiška 41, 21132 Petrovaradin

Prodaja: +381 64 0550184
Podrška TTS: +381 66 8095758
Podrška ASR: +381 66 8096324
Administracija: +381 66 8094467